Statcast is Changing Sports Technology
Statcast has changed the way we watch the game. In 2014, we got sneak peek at the new tracking system. The real-time data collection system gives viewers and teams an in-depth look at all aspects of the game. If you want to see how fast a pitch was, the distance a ball travels, Verlander’s spin rates, and the speed of your favorite player, Statcast breaks it all down for you, and it does so much more than that.
What is Statcast and Why Should You Care?
The MLB introduced us to the Statcast system at the St. Louis Cardinals and Washington Nationals game in April. Fox, ESPN and Turner all use the tracking system now to provide an in-depth look at the game. So what is Statcast?
Statcast is an advanced sports technology that tracks, gathers, and displays statistics about the game, which were immeasurable in the past. The system is in every Major League park. Statcast uses advanced sports technology and precise, high-resolution cameras to track every movement on the field. From the speed of the ball to the velocity of a bat, Statcast captures it in real-time and publishes the information for the viewers.
Why should we care about such numbers? Well, who is the best pitcher in the league, which catcher whips the ball to second base the most, or who has the most career catches as shortstop? Now Statcast can tell us. The impact Statcast has on the League extends beyond resolving baseball fan squabbles about the best grabs and most powerful hits. Statcast affects training, drafts, and recruiting as well.
What does Statcast Measure?
Statcast uses an advanced metrics system to collect data about pitching and batting velocities, pitcher release points, the pitch of a bat during a swing, the time a pitcher takes to deliver a pitch, and the speed of batters and defensive players.
Statcast gave us a glimpse into Jackie Bradley Jr.’s pitch and the pure power behind the missile. Statcast gives Red Sox fans a renewed sense of superiority over the Yankees as they witness first-hand just how impressive the boys in red are on the field.
Statcast will Change the Future of the Game
Training has improved greatly with the help from Statcast. Trainers and coaches know exactly what went wrong, why a pitch went awry, why a batter missed a ball, and how many steps short the baserunner was from making it home. Such data and insight into the game transforms the way players are coached and trained. While observing what went right and what went wrong, players can adjust accordingly to make it to base quicker, slide into home more, deliver more strikes, slam more balls past the outfielders, and to make moves that play on the other team’s weaknesses. By utilizing improved sports technology teams and officials will be able to compare past and current performance to diagnose concerns, improve the accuracy of the player, and to increase the number of wins.
Teams are already using the analytics technology to find the best draft picks for a well-rounded team and more successful season.