Patriots Stay Ahead of the Game with Unified Communications
If you follow football at all, you’ll notice this is a seemingly great year for the New England Patriots. With an 10-2 overall win-to-loss ratio, the Patriots are going into Game 14 against the Houston Texans with a strong upper hand despite not having the home field advantage. How do they maintain such a strong lead on the field? Easy, they utilize unified communications blended with a perfected strategy.
Football is the Ultimate in Unified Communications
Sports in general are a very interesting concept. Whether it’s hockey, baseball, soccer, or, of course, football, numerous people from all walks of life come together to form a team, all working towards a common goal: to win the game. So how does all this great talent sync up? We all know that football teams have playbooks that outline the multiple plays a team can make during a game. They study it, practice it, and implement it over and over again in order to get it perfected. They use signals on the field to indicate their next move to the player downwind and communicate with each other via hidden ear pieces in their helmets. They have the general managers (and sometimes team owners) eyes looking over the field to get a bird’s eye view of the game, relaying information down to the head coach and ultimately into the ears of the players on the field. They have huddles to discuss their next plan of action and can call timeouts to review or change the strategy. It’s a very well oiled machine.
Gaining the Competitive Advantage
When you implement unified communications in your workplace, you suddenly gain a competitive advantage in your market. Businesses experiencing poor communication and planning are less efficient and lack the increased revenue needed to stay in the game. They often have trouble syncing up, leading to decreased quality and customer satisfaction. Instead of studying the playbook and working with their coworkers to win the game, they decide to play in the dark and ultimately lose the game. That’s bad for a business (think Cleveland Browns bad.) By having unified communications, your team mates can all be on the same page in regards to your business strategy. You’ll be able to connect with your clients on a higher level and meet their expectations more effectively, leading you to win the game!
Don’t Place Yourself in a Position to Lose
So, in terms of football, whose team would you rather play for: The Cleveland Browns, playing in the dark without any real sense of direction, or the New England Patriots, effectively communicating with each other to stay ahead of the game? The answer seems simple.