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The New England Patriots’ Draft

The New England Patriots’ Draft

Looking to fill in some big holes in their offensive line as well as having a serious need for a cornerback, a linebacker and a defensive tackle, for the New England Patriots’ draft, they had a very specific list of needs they sought to fill to have a strong,...
The Boston Sports Scene

The Boston Sports Scene

Boston is the ideal city for touring historical sites, getting good food, and especially for catching a sporting event. The city is well-known for housing World Series Champs, the Red Sox, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Beantown has something for...
Patriots Win the High Tech Super Bowl

Patriots Win the High Tech Super Bowl

Approximately 114.4 million people tuned in to watch the New England Patriots’ victory over the Seattle Seahawks. Super Bowl XLIX is destined to be the most remembered Super Bowl, and not because of the fan base.The Patriots win of 2002 pales to their win of...